FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

exim -- Privilege escalation via multiple memory leaks

Affected packages
exim < 4.89_1


VuXML ID 8c1a271d-56cf-11e7-b9fe-c13eb7bcbf4f
Discovery 2017-06-19
Entry 2017-06-21

Qualsys reports:

Exim supports the use of multiple "-p" command line arguments which are malloc()'ed and never free()'ed, used in conjunction with other issues allows attackers to cause arbitrary code execution. This affects exim version 4.89 and earlier. Please note that at this time upstream has released a patch (commit 65e061b76867a9ea7aeeb535341b790b90ae6c21), but it is not known if a new point release is available that addresses this issue at this time.
