FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

mpv -- arbitrary code execution via crafted website

Affected packages
mpv < 0.27.1


VuXML ID 3ee6e521-0d32-11e8-99b0-d017c2987f9a
Discovery 2018-01-28
Entry 2018-02-09
Modified 2018-02-11

mpv developers report:

mpv through 0.28.0 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted web site, because it reads HTML documents containing VIDEO elements, and accepts arbitrary URLs in a src attribute without a protocol whitelist in player/lua/ytdl_hook.lua. For example, an av://lavfi:ladspa=file= URL signifies that the product should call dlopen on a shared object file located at an arbitrary local pathname. The issue exists because the product does not consider that youtube-dl can provide a potentially unsafe URL.


CVE Name CVE-2018-6360